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Mediator Study Group: Let's Talk Finances and Mediation
Speaker Allison Bishop, CPA, CDFA
Allison V. Bishop, CPA, has been a financial coach for six years. She has the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst certification, which required her to do specialized training in financial issues relating to divorce, such as tax issues and how to split pensions. Allison often presents workshops on finances and divorce, and a substantial portion of her practice is helping clients through divorce.
The Study Group will provide time for questions, discussion, and exploring how a financial "neutral" can assist with mediation.
MAM Membership Committee
Erin Clough, Karen Groat, Connie Rakowsky, Pam Waite, and Terri DeCoster, Chair
Copyright @2017 Maine Association of Mediators.
P.O. Box 8187, Portland, ME 04104, Click to Email.
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