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Mediator Study Group: Working with Attorneys in Mediation
Please join us to explore the many issues that arise for mediators when working with attorneys in mediation. We will explore strategies for building rapport, managing dynamics between a party with an attorney and a self-represented litigant, when to caucus with attorneys and how to work with over-zealous attorneys, etc. Bring your examples as we discuss how mediators can effectively assist parties and attorneys to use the "mediation room" instead of the courtroom.
Guest Speaker: Nelson Larkins, Esq
MAM Membership Committee
Erin Clough, Karen Groat, Connie Rakowsky, Pam Waite, and Terri DeCoster, Chair
Copyright @2017 Maine Association of Mediators.
P.O. Box 8187, Portland, ME 04104, Click to Email.
Call Toll-Free: 1-877-265-9712