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Professionals committed to cooperative conflict resolution.
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May 25th, 2021, 12:00 - 1:30 PM via ZOOM
1.5 hours of Continuing Education credits are available.
Free for MAM members; $25.00 for non-MAM members
Remote proceedings have become the norm since COVID has largely prevented in-person attendance. The panelists will share mediation and facilitation practices regarding conducting and engaging in remote proceedings. As we now emerge from this challenging time, what will be the future for mediating and facilitating remotely?
Panel members will offer their experience and perspectives with the opportunity for input from participants.
Members of the panel will include:
Diane Kenty, CADRES Director
Alison Thompson, Esq., an attorney who represents clients in mediation
Leigh Anne Keichline, Midcoast Case Coordinator for the Restorative Justice Project
Rebekah Smith, Esq., an attorney who conducts neutral proceedings
Karen Groat, Executive Director at Family and Community Mediation
Panel moderated by John Lemieux, Esq.
Copyright @2017 Maine Association of Mediators.
P.O. Box 8187, Portland, ME 04104, Click to Email.
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