Family & Community Mediation is offering Domestic Violence Screening for Mediators, a course designed to help meet the requirements to apply to the Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Services (CADRES) roster and assist all mediators with this essential skill.
This course is designed to meet the eight (8) hour CADRES roster training requirement for domestic violence (DV). Through this course, mediators will learn how to:
■ define DV, its role in communication with Demonstration and practice in methods of screening;
■ help the mediator determine if there is a history of DV in the relationship
■ strategies for what and how to mediate if there is a DV history; and
■ designing a safety plan for before, during and after the mediation session.
Instructor: Brenda Mitchell - Brenda is a CADRES Family Matters, Small Claims, and Forcible Entry & Detainer mediator, and a CMS volunteer mediator. Brenda began her career working in a large institution for people with developmental disabilities. She experienced, firsthand, the abuse and neglect that is perpetrated upon people who have no voice. Brenda has dedicated her career to giving voice to victims of abuse through training and advocacy. Today, she draws upon her vast training in “Non-Violent Communication” (Marshall Rosenburg), as well as her years of service in the non-profit arena, in her mediation practice.
Registration Information: Participants will receive training materials, and certificate of attendance. A “sold out” crowd is anticipated so please return the attached REGISTRATION FORM as soon as possible.
Cost: Training Fee: $175 per person.
$150 for community volunteer mediators
*Ask about a refresher course fee
Trainers: Brenda Mitchell and Karen Groat with Coaches, Erin Clough and Pamela Waite
Audience: Must have completed a 40-hour Mediation Training. Must complete full training to receive certificate.
Questions: Contact Karen Groat or Erin Clough at info@mainefcm.org or call 207-520-2442